Dr Guido Schulz, Notary
Specialist lawyer for construction and architects’ law
Practice groups
Sector groups
- Notary's office
- Legal management for large-scale projects JurProM®
- Construction contracts
- Real estate law
- Law of architects and engineers
- Corporate law/M&A
Guido advises and represents principals and contractors on all issues relating to contract drafting, contract management and on the enforcement of claims both in and out of court. A further key practice area is advising on real estate transactions. As a notary, Guido offers in-depth and forward-looking advice and contract drafting, providing individual solutions in real estate, corporate and inheritance law.
What others say
Frequently recommended for private construction law
JUVE Handbook 2024/25
Recent work
- Providing legal advice and representation in connection with new hotel buildings on the Baltic Sea and in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, including the enforcement of legal claims
- Providing project support for the construction of a hotel complex in Montenegro
- Prosecuting claims for wages in connection with the construction of a process engineering plant in the new federal states
- Advising on construction time and supplementary claims for medium-sized construction companies
Curriculum vitae
- Studied law at the Free University of Berlin, 1984 to 1989
- Studied at the Université Libre in Brussels, obtaining the Licencié spécial en droit européen, 1991 to 1992
- Legal clerkship at the Court of Appeal, 1990 to 1993
- PhD on European law, 1994 to 1995
- Lawyer since 1995, at Kapellmann since 1997
- Appointed Notary, 2011
Further qualifications and memberships
- Numerous seminars in real estate and construction law
- Lecturer at the BBW Hochschule - University of Applied Sciences
- Frequent contributor to the journal IBR
- Member of the Working Group on Construction Law within the German Lawyers’ Association (ARGE Baurecht beim Deutschen Anwaltverein)
- Member of the Institute für Construction Law in Freiburg i.B. (lfBF)
- Member of the Deutscher Baugerichtstags e.V.
- Member of the German French Lawyers’ Association (DFJ)
Schulz, Das Vielzahlkriterium nach § 1 AGBG und die Ausschreibung unter dem Vorbehalt der Vergabe nach Teillosen, in NZBau 7/2000, 317 - 320
Schulz, Freizügigkeit für Unionsbürger, Peter Lang GmbH Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main, 1997