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Plant engineering law

A large number of parties, high costs, processes that are often protracted – plant construction projects are highly complex. In this area it really pays to maintain a clear overview and to be pro-active.

The experts in our Practice Group advise principals and contractors in national and international plant construction, in all project stages – from the conception of contracts for industrial plants and technical systems (e.g. power plants, on and offshore wind parks, process industries, acquisition of plants and machinery) through the procurement process to legally sound procedures and commissioning.

In addition to advising on individual legal issues, we offer structured, project-related advice on claim, anti-claim and risk management. Where necessary, we also represent our clients in proceedings before courts and arbitral tribunals.

Our lawyers are perfectly familiar with technical and construction-related processes and the requirements of plant engineering. In international projects (e.g. under FIDIC), we have recourse to a whole network of international law firms of which we are part.

Leading law firm for plant engineering law
JUVE Handbook 2024/25

Top tier law firm for plant engineering law; Kapellmann und Partner’s highly respected practice convinces with 'fast response times' and 'high expertise' in advising on public and private construction law, both in terms of infrastructure and building construction projects as well as large-scale plant engineering projects.
Legal 500 Germany 2019 to 2024




Winz/Scheef, Die Rügepflicht im Anlagenbau, BauR 2013, 655-665

Giesen, Stadionbau - Vorsicht vor den Folgekosten, in: SPONSORs Heft 10/2011, S. 76

Hirsch/Wittemeier, Onshore-Windparks im Aufwind - Planung, Errichtung und Betrieb aus rechtlicher Sicht, PUBLICUS Boorberg 2011.7, S. 5-7

Wust, Vertragsgestaltung bei Windkraftprojekten, Tagungsband des 5. Anwenderforums Windenergie in Binnenland, November 2011, S. 80-87

Scheef, Konsortialvertrag - Auswirkungen von Nachforderungen auf das Innenverhältnis der Konsorten, MDR 2005, S. 603 - 608

Scheef, Das Außenkonsortium der Anlagenbauer als OHG? - Konsequenzen aus OLG Dresden (-2 U 1928/01-) und KG BerlIn (-29 AR 54/01-), BauR 2004, Heft 7, Seite 1079 - 1089

Commemorative publications

Steding, Festschrift Technische Universität Darmstadt 2009: Typische Probleme im Kraftwerksbau mit Blick auf die Bautechnik


Brunstamp, Kommentierung der §§ 7, 47 im Beck´scher Online-Kommentar EEG (Hrsg. Greb/Boewe)

Wittemeier, in: Steding et al., Rechtsbegriffe des Vertragsrechts im Anlagenbau, 2010

Steding, Ständiger Mitarbeiter FDBR Info-Brief Recht seit 2008

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