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Louisa Naake
Practice groups
Sector groups
- Construction contracts
- Law of architects and engineers
- Real estate law
Louisa advises principals and contractors on all issues surrounding private construction and architects’ law, including contract drafting and litigious disputes. Another key practice area is real estate law, in particular lease law and the law governing condominium associations.
Curriculum vitae
- Studied law at the Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg, 2012 to 2018
- Scholarship from Cusanuswerk, 2014 to 2018
- Studied abroad at King’s College London, 2014 to 2015
- Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court Hamm with seats at a leading international commercial law firm, at the Federal Cartel Office and at the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection
- Lawyer at Kapellmann since 2021
Baurecht beim Frühstück
Competencies: Law of architects and engineers, Construction contracts
Organizer: Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB
Address: Am Sandtorkai 50, D-20457, Hamburg

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