Prof. Dr Markus Planker
Practice groups
Sector groups
- Legal management for large-scale projects JurProM®
- Construction contracts
- Law of architects and engineers
- Procurement law
Markus advises on the realisation of commercial and public real estate projects. This includes the design, drafting and negotiation of the relevant project agreements, their management and the provision of relevant advice, in particular with regard to how they affect the parties during the construction process. He frequently advises entities in the public sector on the structuring and legally compliant design of procurement processes and - where necessary - represents clients in review proceedings as well as in the enforcement of claims in court.
What others say
Lawyer of the year 2021 for public law (Hessen); One of the most frequently recommended lawyers for public law and construction law
Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers® 'Germany's Best Lawyers 2021;2024'
Recent work
- Deputy project leader JurProM® in a high-rise construction project in Frankfurt (planning, architects, project management and general project advice during construction); total value c. EUR 1.2 billion
- Advising the federal states Hessen and Brandenburg on the procurement of complex service concessions a major German airports
- Ongoing provision of advice to an administrative district in Hessen on procurement and real estate law issues, especially on PPP
- Providing construction and public procurement law as well as strategic advice to a municipal enterprise on the development of an inner-city neighbourhood
- Providing comprehensive legal and strategic advice to a nationwide project developer
- Advising other well-known public bodies and institutions as well as banks and funds on property and transaction projects
- Ongoing provision of construction and public procurement law advice on the implementation of a motorway project (Model A); value: c. EUR 190 million
- Ongoing provision of construction and real estate law advice as well as legal representation of a Hesse energy supplier on the implementation of projects
- Advising and representing one of the largest UK real estate investors on the enforcement of extensive defect claims
Curriculum vitae
- Studied law in Cologne and Bonn, 1984 to 1991
- Research assistant at the Institute for Public Law at the Rheinischen Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn, 1992 to 1995
- PhD on public law, 1992 to 1995
- Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court Cologne, 1994 to 1995
- Lawyer at Kapellmann since 1996
Further qualifications and memberships
- Lecturer on construction contract law at the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences
- Seminars on real estate law, construction law and procurement law
- Honorary professor at the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences
Planker, Zeit- und Kostenfolgen des verzögerten Zuschlags bei öffentlicher Auftragsvergabe, in: Der Eisenbahn-Ingenieur 3/2003
Planker, Erfolgshaftung des Auftragnehmers und Ansprüche auf zusätzliche Vergütung bei Vereinbarung einer bestimmten Ausführungsart, in: Der Eisenbahn-Ingenieur 1/2000
Planker, Bestimmung und Bedeutung der Bindefrist von Bauverträgen, in: Der Eisenbahn-Ingenieur 3/99
Planker, Das Vereinsverbot in der verwaltungsgerichtlichen Rechtsprechung, NVwZ 1998, 113 ff.
Planker, Das Vereinsverbot – einsatzbereites Instrument gegen verfassungsfeindliche Glaubensgemeinschaften?, DöV 1997, 101 ff.
Planker/Nolte, Vereinigungsfreiheit und Vereinsbetätigung, JURA 1993, 635 ff.
Planker, Gesamtschuldnerische Haftung von Architekt und bauausführendem Unternehmer nach dem Urteil des Bundesgerichtshofs vom 01.12.2022, in: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Werner Langen, hrsg. von Dr. Andreas Berger, Prof. Dr. Dr. (h.c.) Barbara Dauner-Lieb und Prof. Dr. Heiko Fuchs, Werner Verlag 2023, Seite 327 ff.
Planker, Der Ausschluss von § 642 BGB durch Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen des Auftraggebers im VOB/B-Vertrag, in: Baurecht und Architektenrecht, Festschrift für Burkhard Messerschmidt, Hrsg. von Kapellmann/Jansen/Merkens/Thierau, C.H. Beck 2018, 241 ff.
Planker, Das Vereinsverbot nach Art. 9 Abs. 2 GG/§§ 3 ff. VereinsG – Eine systematische Darstellung von Tatbestand und Rechtsfolge – Diss. Bonn 1996