Prof. Dr Ralf Steding
Practice groups
Sector groups
- Plant engineering law
- Construction contracts
- Law of architects and engineers
- Legal management for large-scale projects JurProM®
- Mediation/alternative dispute resolution
Ralf advises principals and contractors on issues surrounding contract drafting and contract management including claim management. This includes alternative types of contract such as partnering models. Ralf specialises in plant engineering and power plant construction. Alongside the preparation and negotiation of contracts, this also covers the project-related and company-related introduction of contract management structures. A further key practice area is the provision of internal and external training courses and workshops on these topics for principals and contractors.
What others say
Frequently recommended for private construction law – 'Highly competent; always achieves the best result immediately', 'quick, good and pragmatic' - clients
JUVE Handbook 2022/2023 and 2024/25
Prof. Dr. Steding is truly exceptional among lawyers. He has a good feeling for what his clients need and the situation at hand and is excellent at assessing how to use resources to minimise potential risk. He understands the language of the “non-lawyers” and can quickly translate it into legal wording. I have not seen this skill demonstrated at this level in any other law firm.
Legal 500 Germany 2020
One of the most frequently recommended lawyers for construction law
Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers® 'Germany's Best Lawyers 2024'
Listed as a laywers recommended by in-house counsel for real estate and construction law
kanzleimonitor.de 2022/2023 (law firm directory of the German institute for legal departments & in-house lawyers)
Named as a Thomson Reuters Stand-out Lawyer
Thomson Reuters 2024
Recent work
- EnBW AG: advising on the procurement and contract negotiation for the construction of various large-scale power plants
- Large energy supplier: advising on the procurement and contract drafting/negotiation for a biomass power plant
- Stadtwerke Duisburg AG: advising on the procurement and contract drafting/negotiation for various power plant projects
- Stadtwerke Duisburg AG: contract negotiation and management for the construction and maintenance of HKW III/B
- Large energy supplier: advising on contract for CCGT conversion/modernisation
- Chemical park operator: contract drafting for various plant engineering projects
- Various industrial companies: advising and drafting contracts for decarbonisation projects
- Stadtwerke Kiel AG: advising on the construction of a gas-fired combined heat and power plant (coastal power plant) in Kiel
- EWE AG/RIFFGAT GmbH & Co. KG: construction law advice and support for the offshore wind farm RIFFGAT
- DOTI GmbH & Co KG: support for the offshore wind farm alpha ventus
- Stadtwerke Düsseldorf AG: contract drafting and negotiation for coal block and combined cycle power plant (Fortuna power station)
- Large energy producer: various demolition projects
Curriculum vitae
- Studied law at the University of Bayreuth with study trips to the USA, 1987 to 1992
- PhD with research in the USA, 1992 to 1997
- Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf, 1994 to 1996
- Lawyer at Kapellmann since 1997
Further qualifications and memberships
- Lecturer on complex contracts in plant engineering for the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences since 2007, honorary professor since 2016
- Speaker at seminars and conferences (Euroforum, IIR, FDBR, Fresenius Institut etc.)
- Member of the EEHH - Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg Clusteragentur GmbH
- Member of the WAB e.V. – windenergie agentur Bremerhaven
Steding/Wittemeier, Änderungen des Werkvertragsrechts durch das Forderungssicherungsgesetz, BauPortal 8/2009
Steding/Wittemeier, Änderungen des Werkvertragsrechts durch das Forderungssicherungsgesetz, BauPortal 8/2009
Steding, Vertragsergonomie - Handhabung von Verträgen, BauPortal Ausgabe 1/2008
Steding, Der Vertrag als Präventivmaßnahme zur Konfliktvermeidung im Kontext des Sichtbetons, BauPortal 10/2006
Kus/Markus/Steding, Die neuen FIDIC-Verträge – Auftragnehmerlastige Risikoverteilung?, Jahrbuch Baurecht 2002, 237
Jung/Steding, Mediation am Bau - Konfliktfelder baulicher Streitigkeiten als Chance für alternative Streitbeilegung, Betriebsberater 2001, Beilage "Mediation und Recht", S. 9 ff.
Steding/Meyer, Outsourcing von Bankdienstleistungen: Bank- und datenschutzrechtliche Probleme der Aufgabenverlagerung von Kreditinstituten auf Tochtergesellschaften und sonstige Dritte, BB 2001, 1693, ff.
Steding, Ausschreibungen in der Informationstechnologie, Computerrecht Intern 2000, 181 ff.
Steding, Ausschreibungen im IT Bereich, Behördenspiegel November 1999, B III ff.
Steding, Das Jahr 2000 Problem, ZAP 1999, 125
Steding, Zinseszinsen und ein Regressproblem für Anwälte, ZAP 1999, 249
Steding, Festschrift Technische Universität Darmstadt 2009: Typische Probleme im Kraftwerksbau mit Blick auf die Bautechnik
Steding, Ständiger Mitarbeiter FDBR Info-Brief Recht seit 2008
Steding, Schriftlicher Management-Lehrgang, Lektion 12, IT-Verträge, Vertragsunterlagen und EVB-IT, Euroforum Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2004 - 2009
Steding/Meyer, Rechtsfragen der Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsschutzkoordination, in: Helmus/Rüggeberg, Praxis der SiGe-Koordination, 2003
Kus/Markus/Steding, FIDIC´s new "Silver-Book" under the German Standard Form Contracts Act, The International Construction Law Review 1999, 533, 237