Dr Susanne Kapellmann
Specialist lawyer for construction and architects’ law
Practice groups
Sector groups
- Construction contracts
- Law of architects and engineers
- Legal management for large-scale projects JurProM®
Susanne advises principals and contractors on all issues surrounding contract drafting, the management of contractual relationships and the enforcement and defence of claims both in and out of court.
Recent work
- Stuttgart 21, Lots 1A and 1B – Fildertunnel and Ober- and Untertürkheim Tunnels: providing project support and advice to the construction consortium
- Stuttgart 21, Lot 2 – Tunnel Feuerbach: providing project support and advice to the construction consortium
- Karlsruhe light rail tunnel: Advising and representing the construction consortium on remuneration and disruption issues
- Advising and supporting principal in litigation due to remuneration and defect issues on the A8 motorway
- Drafting contracts for the planning and construction of a logistics centre for a sporting goods company
Curriculum vitae
- Studied law at the University of Passau and the Università degli Studi, Bologna/Italy, 1989 to 1995
- Research assistant on civil and procedural law at the University of Passau (Chair Prof. Dr. Johann Braun), 1992 to 1994
- Legal clerkship at the Court of Appeal Berlin, 1995 to 1997
- PhD on Italian law (on the Pubblico Registro Automobilistico (P.R.A.) in Italy and the legal status of Italian motor vehicles) in Passau, Berlin and Rome, 1997 to 1998
- Lawyer since 1997, at Kapellmann since 1998
Further qualifications and memberships
- Seminars on private construction law
- Member of the CBTR (Centrum für Deutsches and Internationales Baugrund- and Tiefbaurecht)
- Member of the Working Group on Construction Law within the German Lawyers’ Association (ARGE Baurecht beim Deutschen Anwaltverein (DAV))
Kapellmann, S., Der “rinvio“ im italienischen Internationalen Privatrecht – Hintergründe und Auswirkungen, ZfRV 1997, 177 ff.
Kapellmann, S., Der Schaden des Auftraggebers bei Verzug des Auftragnehmers mit der Fertigstellung eines Mietobjekts, BauR 1997, 48 ff.
Kapellmann, S., Unwirksamkeit einer Baugrundklausel in einem Konzessionsvertrag, Besprechung von KG 23 U 161/11, FS-Englert 2014, S. 173 ff.
Kapellmann, S., Der "Ausschluss" des § 2 Nr. 3 VOB/B in Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen - ein Scheingefecht, FS-Kapellmann 2007, S. 167 ff.
Kapellmann, S., Das Pubblico Registro Automobilistico (P.R.A.) in Italien und die Rechtsverhältnisse an italienischen Kraftfahrzeugen, Dissertation 2001, Peter Lang Verlag