Dr Thomas Jelitte
Practice groups
Sector groups
- Construction contracts
- Law of architects and engineers
- Finance and banking law
- Real estate law
Thomas advises principals as well as contractors both, out-of-court and in the context of legal proceedings on all questions of architects’ and private construction law. The key area of his practice lies in the provision of support to major projects and complex procedures. In addition, he also represents his clients in banking matters.
What others say
Frequently recommended for private construction law; 'quick to comprehend technical issues; very good pleadings' - a client
JUVE Handbook 2022/23 and 2024/25
Recommended lawyer for construction law
Legal 500 Germany 2024
One of the most frequently recommended lawyers for construction law and real estate law
Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers® 'Germany’s Best Lawyers 2024'
Recent work
- Project manager for the refurbishment of the Kunstpalast in Düsseldorf (JurProM)
- Project manager for new vocational college in Moers
- Legal support for new city quarter of building co-operative in Dormagen-Horrem
- Legal representation of numerous municipalities with regard to compensation for swap transactions
- Legal support for warranty processing for multifunctional arena
- Project support for "Unternehmerstadt" (JurProM)
Curriculum vitae
- Studied law at the Universities of Göttingen and Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 1992 to 1998
- Studied abroad in Almeria/Spain as part of an energy law exchange programme, 1999
- Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf, 2000 to 2002
- Lawyer at Kapellmann since 2002
- Managing Partner and Location Manager Düsseldorf since 2023
Further qualifications and memberships
- Visiting lecturer at the Hochschule Ruhr West - University of Applied Sciences
- Visiting lecturer at the TU Dortmund
- Board Member of Heine Haus Düsseldorf
- Club des Affaires NRW
- Assistant author of book “Key Resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly” by Prof. Dr. Rauschning, K. Wiesbrock and Martin Lailach while acting as research assistant at the Chair of International Law at the University of Göttingen, 1995
Jelitte, Aufwertung von Innenstädten durch Gründung von Business Improvement Districts (BID) und Immobilien- und Standortgemeinschaften (ISG), Zeitschrift für Immobilienrecht (ZfIR), Heft 10 (21.05.2007), S. 369-376
Jelitte, Anmerkung zum Urteil des BGH vom 24.01.2008 "Keine Umsatzsteuerpflicht bei Schadensersatzanspruch aus § 6 Nr. 6 VOB/B", in: ZfIR 2008, S. 724 f.
Jelitte, Anmerkung zum Urteil des LG Wuppertal vom 18.10.2007 "Unwirksamkeit einer Vertragserfüllungsbürgschaft im Bauvertrag bei Sicherungsumfang von mehr als 15 % durch überschneidung mit Gewährleistungsbürgschaft", in: ZfIR 2008, S. 251 f.
Jelitte, Spezialisierung auf privates Baurecht - Eine berufliche und menschliche Herausforderung der besonderen Art, in: Azur - Karrieremagazin für junge Juristen Nr. 2/2007
Jelitte, Die Umsetzung völkerrechtlicher Verträge in nationales Recht in Deutschland und Spanien
unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention, Köln 2006