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Laura advises on all issues related to construction contract law as well as architects’ and engineers’ law. She supports her clients at every stage of their construction projects, from contract drafting to the in-court and out-of-court enforcement of claims.

Curriculum vitae

  • Studied law at the University of Münster, 2014 to 2020
  • Subject-specific foreign language training for lawyers (Common Law), 2015 to 2017
  • Research assistant in a medium-sized law firm in Münster with a focus on tax law, 2020 to 2021
  • Legal clerkship at the Regional Court Münster, including seats at the Federal Ministry of Finance (departments: energy tax, electricity tax, greenhouse quotas), at an international commercial law firm in energy law and at a transmission system operator, 2020 to 2022
  • Lawyer at Kapellmann since 2023


Weimar, congress centrum weimarhalle
Branchentag Erneuerbare Energien Mitteldeutschland

Nähere Informationen und Anmeldemöglichkeiten finden Sie hier.

Competencies: Energy law, ESG/Sustainability/Green Contracts

Organizer: BWE

Address: Weimar, congress centrum weimarhalle

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