Der Luftverkehr wächst weiter. Auch die deutschen Flughäfen konnten das Passagieraufkommen steigern, lagen jedoch im Jahr 2018 unter dem weltweiten Durchschnitt. Fortgesetzt hat sich auch die Konsolidierung unter den Fluggesellschaften. All dies stellt die Flughafenbetreiber auch künftig vor neue Herausforderungen. Unser Kompetenzteam Flughäfen hat aktuelle rechtliche Entwicklungen für Sie beobachtet und aufbereitet. Wir starten mit einem Praxisbericht unserer Gastgeber zu deren Joint Venture und beschäftigen uns im Anschluss noch einmal aus neuer Perspektive mit den Auswirkungen des neuen BGB-Werkvertragsrechts, in diesem Fall auf die Vertragsgestaltung bei Großprojekten im Flughafensektor. Zudem entscheidet der EuGH am 04.07.2019 über die Vereinbarkeit des Preisrechts der HOAI mit dem EU-Recht und wir informieren Sie über das Ergebnis und die Auswirkungen der Entscheidung. Weiter berichten wir über Konzessionsvergaben nach der BADV und beleuchten im Anschluss Schwierigkeiten beim Ground Handling und mögliche Sanktionen. Abgerundet wird das Programm durch einen Ausflug in die Versicherung von Bauvorhaben und deren Fallstricke.

Dr Kerstin Müller
Specialist lawyer for construction and architects’ law, Graduate in administration (Dipl.-Verwaltungswirtin), Mediator (DAA)
Practice groups
- Plant engineering law
- Law of architects and engineers
- Construction contracts
- Real estate law
- Corporate compliance
- Project development and project management law
Kerstin provides comprehensive advice on complex plant engineering, construction and real estate project as well as compliance issues. This includes drafting and managing all project-related contracts including architects’, engineers’ and project management contracts as well as providing real-time advice during all phases of a project.
A further key practice area is advising on facility and building management. She represents clients in negotiations as well as before courts and arbitral tribunals, as well as being active in out-of-court dispute resolution and mediation.
What others say
Leading lawyer for construction law 2025
WirtschaftsWoche Top-Kanzleien
One of the most frequently recommended lawyers for construction law
Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers® 'Germany's Best Lawyers 2024'
Lawyer most frequently recommended by in-house counsel for real estate and construction law
Kanzleimonitor 2014/2015 (law firm directory of the German federal association of in-house lawyers)
Cited as ‘often recommended’ - Airport and plant construction
JUVE Handbook 2024/25
Recent work
- Advising renowned companies on plant engineering law, e.g. on the new construction of a plant for processing and marketing of an agricultural product and for the expansion of a plant for the manufacture of products for the pharmaceutical, healthcare, plastics and packaging sectors and for the construction of new wind farms
- Advising an international pharmaceutical group on the planning and construction of a complex industrial plant for the production of vaccines; value c. EUR 145 million
- Managing complex arbitration processes in the plant engineering sector
- Carrying out compliance audits for high-profile companies and advising them on the improvement of internal rules for the prevention of corruption
- Project leader on a significant construction and renovation project for a major bank; contract drafting and negotiation (e.g. project management, architects’, engineers’ and specialist planner contracts, contracts for special experts and executing companies), providing strategic legal advice, e.g. with respect to procurement and during the construction phase; value c. EUR 130 million
- Co-project leader JurProM® on a high-rise new construction project (planning, architects’ and project manager as well as comprehensive project advice, claim and anti-claim management during construction phase); value c. EUR 700 million
- Advising a renowned civil engineering company (in particular on contracts with public principals and innovative contractual models)
- Advising and representing one of the largest UK real estate investors on the enforcement of wide-ranging defect claims
- Out-of-court dispute resolution
Curriculum vitae
- Studied at the Wiesbaden University of Applied Administrative Sciences Wiesbaden/Frankfurt, 1989 to 1992
- Studied law at the University of Frankfurt/Main, 1992 to 1995
- Research assistant in civil and environmental law at the University of Frankfurt, 1995 to 1998
- Legal clerkship, 1995 to 1998
- PhD on environmental and antitrust law, 1998 to 1999
- Since 1998 Lawyer at a major international law firm since 1998, at Kapellmann since 2000
Further qualifications and memberships
- Speaker at numerous seminars on the law relating to real estate, construction, works and purchase contracts as well as plant engineering
Competencies: Construction contracts
Register at: Nadja Beumer-Stresius
Organizer: Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB
Address: Markenraum der Flughafen München GmbH am Flughafen München, Flughafen München (Anreise siehe Link Anmeldeformular), München
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