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Hauke Schüler advises clients and bidders on all questions of public procurement law and represents them in review proceedings before the public procurement tribunals and the public procurement senates of the higher regional courts. He regularly provides expert opinions on public procurement law issues. One of his main areas of expertise is the organisational and procedural design of complex public sector procurement projects, including incentive-based IPA projects as well as total and general contractor models and other alternative forms of contractor deployment.

In addition, Hauke Schüler has extensive experience in the practical drafting of planning and construction contracts as well as providing legal advice during planning and construction. Hauke Schüler also advises on issues relating to subsidy and state aid law and other public law.

What others say

Recommended lawyer for public procurement law 
Legal 500 Germany 2020

Recent work

  • Support for IPA projects with a total volume of over EUR 2 billion in federal and state construction projects
  • Support for construction projects in the healthcare sector for municipal and private organisations with a total volume of around EUR 1 billion
  • Advising offshore wind farms on issues relating to public procurement and subsidy law
  • Energy procurement for the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and public companies
  • Support for IT procurement projects for federal states and municipal companies
  • Assistance with insurance procurement for clients and the insurance industry
  • Comprehensive legal and strategic procurement advice for public property companies

Curriculum vitae 

  • Studied law at the University of Potsdam and Humboldt University Berlin, 1999 to 2005
  • Lecturer in administrative science at the University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration in North Rhine Westphalia, 2005 to 2006
  • Research assistant at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg , 2005 to 2010
  • Legal clerkship at Higher Regional Court Hamburg, 2009 to 2011
  • Lawyer at Kapellmann since 2012

Further qualifications and memberships

  • Member of the Working Group on Public Procurement Law within the German Lawyers’ Association (ARGE Vergaberecht des Deutschen Anwaltvereins, DAV)
  • Speaker at various educational institutions and publishers such as the Handelskammer Hamburg, the Handwerkskammer Hamburg, the VHW Bundesverband für Wohnen and Stadtentwicklung, the Submissionsanzeiger, id-Verlags GmbH (ibr-online) and the European Academy for Taxes, Economics and Law.
  • BIM-Hub-Hamburg


Books and book contributions

Favier, Schüler, Reform der VOB/A – Übersicht der Neuregelungen, IBR 2019, 242

Schüler, Etablierte Regeln für das Verhandlungsverfahren mit Teilnahmewettbewerb auf dem Prüfstand des neuen Rechts, ZfBR 2016, 761-771

Annotations on court decisions

Schüler, Kalkulationsfreiheit des Bieters vs. Änderung der Vergabeunterlagen (VK Hessen, Beschluss vom 01.07.2020 - 69d-VK-2-32/2020), VPR-Beitrag (Werkstatt), veröffentlicht 22.02.2021 (ibr-Online)

Schüler, Ausschluss wegen Änderung der Vergabeunterlagen nur bei klarer Vorgabe! (OLG Frankfurt, 11 Verg 9/20, 01.10.2020), IBR 2021, 41, veröffentlicht 26.11.2020 (ibr-Online)

Schüler, Keine Reduzierung der Bewerberzahl durch Losentscheid! (VK Baden-Württemberg, Beschluss vom 22.07.2019 - 1 VK 34/19), VPR 2020, 182, veröffentlicht 20.03.2020 (ibr-Online)


Praxisworkshop Flughäfen 2024

Unser Kompetenzteam Flughäfen hat aktuelle rechtliche Entwicklungen beobachtet und aufbereitet.

Competencies: Law of architects and engineers, Construction contracts, State aid law, EU law, Competition law, Procurement law

Organizer: Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB


Baurecht beim Frühstück im März 2024

Lernen Sie die wichtigsten Details und Fallstricke der aktuellen Rechtsprechung und Entwicklungen im Baurecht kennen, während Sie sich für den Start in den Tag an unserem Frühstücksbuffet stärken. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.

Competencies: Law of architects and engineers, Construction contracts

Organizer: Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB

Address: Am Sandtorkai 50, D-20457, Hamburg

Praxisworkshop Flughäfen 2023

Unser Kompetenzteam Flughäfen hat aktuelle rechtliche Entwicklungen beobachtet und aufbereitet.

Competencies: Law of architects and engineers, Construction contracts, EU law, Competition law

Organizer: Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB

Address: Steigenberger Airport Hotel Berlin, Willy-Brandt-Platz 3, 12529, Schönefeld

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