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Dr Thorsten Schlier, LL.M.
Specialist lawyer for construction and architects’ law
Practice groups
Sector groups
- Construction contracts
- Law of architects and engineers
- Real estate law
- Project development and project management law
- Plant engineering law
Thorsten advises principals and contractors on all issues relating to private construction and real estate law, as well as contracting drafting, claim and anti-claim management and litigious disputes before the courts. Further key practice areas include advising on plant engineering issues, architects’ law, real estate law and the law of project management.
What others say
One of the most frequently recommended lawyers for construction law
Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers® 'Germany's Best Lawyers 2024'
Recent work
- Providing ongoing advice and representation to a nationwide building construction company on the enforcement of wage claims
- Representing a software company in litigation regarding the defence against claims for wages and the enforcement of claims for defects in connection with the construction of new group headquarters
- Ongoing provision of advice and representation to a supra-regional property developer in the enforcement of claims for defects before and after acceptance and the defence against supplementary claims
- Member of the legal project team advising on the expansion of a major German commercial airport (project value c. EUR 4 billion) – advising principal
- Providing project-related advice to a client on the expansion of a logistics centre
- Providing project-related advice to a nationwide construction company on an infrastructure project, value c. EUR 130 million
Curriculum vitae
- Studied law at the Philips University Marburg, 2004 to 2009
- Additional qualification in private construction law at the Philipps University Marburg, 2007 to 2009
- Research assistant in the real estate department of an international commercial law firm, 2009 to 2010
- Legal clerkship at the Regional Court Marburg, 2010 to 2012
- PhD on the topic "Defect rights before acceptance in the BGB construction contract - considerations de lege lata and de lege ferenda” at the Philipps University Marburg
- LLM in construction law and construction supervision at the Philipps University Marburg, 2014 to 2016
- Lawyer at Kapellmann since 2013
Further qualifications and memberships
- Seminars and in-house training courses on construction and architects’ law
- Member of the Verein zur Förderung von Forschung and Lehre im privaten Baurecht an der Philipps-Universität in Marburg e.V.
- Member of the Working Group on Construction Law within the German Lawyers’ Association (ARGE Baurecht beim Deutschen Anwaltverein)
Competencies: Law of architects and engineers
Organizer: Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwält mbB
Address: #Online
Unser Kompetenzteam Flughäfen hat aktuelle rechtliche Entwicklungen beobachtet und aufbereitet.
Competencies: Law of architects and engineers, Construction contracts, State aid law, EU law, Competition law, Procurement law
Organizer: Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB
Competencies: Law of architects and engineers, Construction contracts
Organizer: Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB
Address: #Online