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Janina advises medium-sized and large companies on all issues surrounding data protection. Key practice areas include the implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the establishment of data protection management systems including advising clients on technology-supported projects and data protection audits as well as supporting and representing clients in regulatory proceedings. Further key areas are drafting data protection contracts, creating and reviewing internal company guidelines, employee data protection, providing data protection support for outsourcing projects, the structuring of international and group-wide data transfers and advice in connection with compliance investigations.  

She also advises companies and entrepreneurs on all aspects of corporate law. Her focus here is advising on the law surrounding limited liability companies (German GmbH law), partnership law and advising start-ups in the founding and growth phases.

Janina is a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP-E) of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).

Recent work

  • Ongoing provision of data protection law advice to a leading European real estate service provider, inter alia, on the development of a data protection management system, on the implementation of data protection measures in all business areas and on the centralisation of corporate functions
  • Ongoing provision of advice to major German commercial airports on all aspects of data protection law
  • Advising companies from the health and medicine sector, inter alia, on issues surrounding the handling of sensitive data and contract drafting
  • Supporting (group) companies on the outsourcing and centralisation of corporate functions
  • Developing and customising internal data protection guidelines for medium-sized and large companies
  • Supporting and representing companies in proceedings of the supervisory authorities
  • Providing training and workshops for business managers, executives and employees
  • Advising numerous medium-sized and large companies on all issues surrounding employee data protection

 Curriculum vitae

  • Studied law at the Julius Maximilians University Würzburg and the Universitat de Barcelona, 2003 to 2009
  • Programme on European law (University of Würzburg), 2003 to 2009
  • Research assistant at Kapellmann, 2010 to 2015
  • Ongoing PhD on compliance and data protection law
  • Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf, 2013 to 2015, including seats at Kapellmann and with the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information  
  • Lawyer at Kapellmann since 2015

Further qualifications and memberships

  • Member of the Gesellschaft für Datenschutz and Datensicherheit e.V. (GDD)
  • Member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals, IAPP
  • Certification as Certified Information Privacy Professional Europe (CIPP/E) with the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)
  • Supplementary studies with a degree in European law (University of Würzburg)


Books and book contributions

Winz/Scheef, Die Rügepflicht im Anlagenbau, BauR 2013, 655-665


Winz, Schreckgespenst Datenschutz, DAB 04/2018, S. 44-45

Winz, Schreckgespenst Datenschutz, Deutsches Architektenblatt, online veröffentlicht am 03. März 2018 (zum Artikel)


Kapellmann Aktuell | Datenübermittlungen in die USA & Co.

Wie ist die Rechtslage ein Jahr nach dem Schrems II-Urteil des EuGH?

Competencies: Data protection law

Organizer: Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB

Address: #Online

Monatsbriefing - Recht im Verband | Datenschutzrecht für Verbände – die häufigsten Fehler und wie man sie vermeiden kann

Am 25. Mai feiert die DS-GVO ihr dreijähriges Jubiläum seit ihrer Geltung. Gleichwohl sorgt sie bei vielen Verbänden nach wie vor für große Verunsicherung und Unmut. Der pandemiebedingte „Digitalisierungsschub“ verschärft die Datenschutzdebatte zusätzlich. Doch was ist bloßer Mythos und was gehört zum datenschutzrechtlichen Pflichtprogramm eines Verbandes? Was sind die wesentlichen Fallstricke in der täglichen Verbandstätigkeit und wie lassen sie sich vermeiden? Diese und andere Fragen möchten wir anhand von Beispielen aus der Praxis beantworten.

Competencies: Data protection law

Address: #Online

Kapellmann Aktuell | Umgang mit Datenschutzanfragen

- Haftungsfallen und praktische Tipps

Competencies: Data protection law

Organizer: Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB

Address: #Online

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