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Dr David Mattern, LL.M.
Specialist lawyer for construction and architects’ law
Practice groups
Sector groups
- Project management
- Health sector
- Project development
- Offshore Wind
- Restruct Immobilien und Bau
- Construction contracts
- Law of architects and engineers
- Plant engineering law
David advises on all issues surrounding the realisation of construction projects. In addition to the minimisation of any potential disruptions through appropriate contract drafting, this includes the provision of strategic support in the enforcement or defence of claims during the execution of the contract (claim management / anti-claim management) as well as representation in arbitration or court proceedings. His aim is always to work out the most economical solution for the client, which is usually based on a fair and cooperative dealings with the other party. A key practice area is FIDIC-based projects in offshore wind energy and plant engineering. In addition to private construction law, David regularly advises on and publishes material in the field of architects’ and engineers’ law. A major focus here is the enforcement of renumeration claims and issues surrounding planner liability.
Recent work
- Offshore wind energy: representing various principals in (English language) contract negotiations as well as in DAB and arbitration proceedings and advising a general contractor on all legal issues arising during the construction phase.
- Plant engineering: providing legal support to Beiersdorf AG and its subsidiaries on the construction or extension of production facilities and other construction projects in Germany and abroad
- Infrastructure: contract drafting and bidder negotiations for a large German network expansion project
- Project development: providing construction contract law advice in connection with the Hamburg office of the SIGNA Group
- Classical construction projects: provision of regular construction law advice to Heinrich Karstens Bauunternehmung, particularly on civil engineering, shell construction and turnkey construction issues
- Planning: provision of regular advice to HDR GmbH & Co. KG on issues arising during and after project implementation, particularly on issues surrounding the enforcement/defence of claims against the property owner/specialist planners
Curriculum vitae
- Studied law at the University of Trier, 2002 to 2008
- Master of Laws (LL.M.) at the University of Stellenbosch (South Africa), 2008 to 2009
- Project Administrator at the European Legal Academy in Trier, 2009 to 2010
- PhD on international tax law at the University of Trier, 2012
- Legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court Hamburg with seats in Berlin and Hanoi, 2011 to 2013
- Lawyer at Kapellmann since 2013
Further qualifications and memberships
- Member of the Working Group on International Construction Law within the German Lawyers’ Association (ARGE Internationales Baurecht beim Deutschen Anwaltverein)
- Member of the Hamburg Lawyers’ Association (HAV)
- Regular in-house seminars and workshops on (anti-)claim management in construction contracts, architects’ and engineers’ law and updates on the new building contract law
Mattern/Baureis, Mehr Bauvergnügen dank IPA? DAB 06-23, Seiten 34-35 (zum Artikel)
Mattern/Ulbrich, Was tun bei Baustopp des Bauunternehmens? DAB 11-23, Seiten 42-43 (zum Artikel)
Mattern/Ulbrich, Wann besteht ein Leistungsverweigerungsrecht? DAB 03-23, Seiten 37-39 (zum Beitrag)
Mattern/Ulbrich, Haften Architekten für steigende Baukosten?, DAB 08-21, Seiten 34-35 (zum Artikel)
Mattern/Ulbrich, Frühe Haftung, DAB 02-21, Seite 36-37 (zum Artikel)
Mattern/Latosik/Ulbrich, Honorarordnung zwischen EuGH-Urteil und Neuentwurf 2021, (VDI Verlag), 23.09.2020
Mattern/Latosik/Ulbrich, Über die schwindende Preisbindung der HOAI, Bauingenieur 2020, Bd. 95, Nr. 9, Seite 318-324
Mattern/Mellwig/Puschmann, Das neue Werkvertragsrecht – Teil 2: Normierung eines Architekten- und Ingenieurvertragsrechts sowie weitere Neuerungen, Bauingenieur 2016, Seite 271-275
Mattern/Mellwig/Puschmann, Das neue Werkvertragsrecht – Teil 1: Der Bauvertrag, Bauingenieur 2016, Seite 208-212
Competencies: Law of architects and engineers, Construction contracts
Organizer: Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB
Address: #Online
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Competencies: Law of architects and engineers, Construction contracts
Organizer: Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB
Address: Am Sandtorkai 50, D-20457, Hamburg
Lernen Sie die wichtigsten Details und Fallstricke der aktuellen Rechtsprechung und Entwicklungen im Baurecht kennen, während Sie sich für den Start in den Tag an unserem Frühstücksbuffet stärken.
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Competencies: Law of architects and engineers, Construction contracts, Corporate compliance
Organizer: Kapellmann und Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB
Address: Am Sandtorkai 50, D-20457, Hamburg