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Anne advises principals and contractors on all questions of private construction and real estate law, from contract drafting to contract management as well as in litigious disputes. She supports property developers from the initial idea right through to the implementation of the construction project and the establishment of homeowners’ associations. She advises public clients and bidders on the preparation and implementation of national and European procurement procedures as well as during the realisation of the relevant projects. 

A major focus of Anne’s practice is sustainable planning and construction (Kapellmann green contracts). Whether they need assistance with the practical implementation of ESG criteria or the achievement of certification for specific projects – Anne Baureis supports principals and contractors through all phases: from planning, construction and use to deconstruction. She is also a member of the German Association of Project Managers and plays an active role in their specialist group on climate protection in the construction industry.

Anne regularly passes on her practical experience in lectures and seminars as well as through her teaching assignments in construction and real estate law.

Recent work

  • Comprehensive advice on property development projects such as H36 in Hamburg
  • Advice on construction law for the redevelopment of the Congress Center Hamburg
  • Structuring and implementation of structuring and implementation of sole contractor procedures for public clients, e.g. school construction projects in Kiel and Hamburg
  • Ongoing project advice to nationally active construction companies, including in litigious disputes

Curriculum vitae

  • Studied law at the University of Mannheim, 2004 to 2009
  • Legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court Düsseldorf including seats with Santander Consumer Bank AG and Kapellmann as well as CMS Hasche Sigle, 2009 to 2011
  • Lawyer at a commercial law firm in Karlsruhe, 2011 to 2015
  • Specialist lawyer for construction and architect’s law since 2015
  • Lawyer at Kapellmann since 2015

Further qualifications and memberships

  • Member of the Working Group on Construction Law at the German Lawyers’ Association (ARGE Baurecht  Deutschen Anwaltverein)
  • Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Baurecht e.V.
  • Lecturer on real estate law at the ISM (International School of Management)
  • Lecturer at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg on the Master’s course in Construction Law and Construction Management
  • Member of the DVP (German Association of Project Managers) specialist group on climate protection in the construction industry



Baureis/Cortis, Das E in ESG – warum es ohne Kenntnisse zum nachhaltigen Bauen nicht mehr geht, Baurecht, Heft 11/2023. Seite 1863-1870

Baureis/Cortis/Giesen/Goesmann/Rodriguez/Stiglmair/Utz: Leitfaden Klimaschutz im Bauwesen – Leistungen und Leistungsbild Projektsteuerung, Fachgruppe Klimaschutz im Bauwesen im DVP e.V.

Baureis/Cortis, Das E in ESG – warum es ohne Kenntnisse zum nachhaltigen Bauen nicht mehr geht, Bauwirtschaft, Heft 01/2023,
Seite 11 ff.

Baureis/Dressel/Friedrich, Allgemein anerkannte Regeln der Technik als Hemmnis für technische Innovationen im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit? Neue Zeitschrift für Baurecht und Vergaberecht (NZBau), Heft 10/2023, Seite 641

Mattern/Baureis, Mehr Bauvergnügen dank IPA? DAB 06-23, Seiten 34-35 (zum Artikel)

Podcast, der Podcast für junge Juristinnen und Juristen rund ums Anwalt werden und Anwalt sein.


Nachhaltigkeitsberichte, CSRD und ESRS – was kommt auf Unternehmen ab 2025 zu?

Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Competencies: ESG/Sustainability/Green Contracts

Organizer: eVergabe

Address: #Online

Nachhaltiges Bauen – aktuelle Regelungen und Entwicklungen

Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Competencies: ESG/Sustainability/Green Contracts

Organizer: eVergabe

Address: #Online

ESG und Nachhaltigkeit im Bau- und Immobiliensektor - Einführung und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen

Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Competencies: ESG/Sustainability/Green Contracts

Organizer: KBW

Address: #Online

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